The Pohl Children's Foundation donates "forever bears" to funeral homes in Minnesota who partner with us and agree to provide them to children (18 years old and under) who have lost a parent or sibling.
These bears are given out to children (18 years old and under) in Minnesota who have lost loved ones (sibling or parent) during a private moment where the Funeral Director places one bear in the casket with the deceased loved one and gives another bear to the child. He/ she explains to the child that they are "forever" connected to their loved one and the bears will give them something to hold on to in the future when they think of their loved one.
The Pohl Children's Foundation will also provide "forever bears" to children like sweet Olivia (below) who have lost a parent or sibling.
We are requesting the names and contact information for children who would be blessed by a bear. Everything will be kept strictly confidential. We just ask that before submitting contact information, you request permission from the parent or guardian.
We also need Funeral Homes in Minnesota willing to partner with The Pohl Children's Foundation. There is no charge to the Funeral Home and the Foundation provides the Forever Bears free of charge.
Pohl Children's Scholarship Foundation
13021 Evergreen Drive
Baxter, MN 56425
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The Pohl Children's Scholarship Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization. Federal ID Number: 84-4175594
© 2020 Pohl Children’s Scholarship Foundation, LLC
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